From Gossard: “Flowers are brandy wine purple with lighter wine patterned watermark, white, wine and purple edge, and a green throat. Sometimes flowers have white streaks. The streaked photos are from two pots I had in green house, blooms are variable, I have 10 plants of one showing the streaking. They are $200 single fans only. Have 40 fans that sometimes would see same in a few fans outside, they are $100 each. Probably all is the same, however I have used the ones that showed the trait. It is unknown if you will see such or not. But if you can see it you can breed for it. Several other hybridizers have some of this look, be interesting to see where this look goes. Wester’s Red Bloomers of mine also dose this occasionally. Have a tetra Sharin’ The Secret seedling which also dose this. First photo belove is more typical. Color varies with temperature and growing conditions. I really like this daylily. Also has tetra Rose F Kennedy in background.” Semi-evergreen. Up to 28 buds. Pix from Gossard.

Additional information

Colour Purple, White
Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
Height 38
Hybridizer Gossard
Introduction Year 2021
Flower Size (inches) 7.5
Form Full Form, Frilled, Eye zone, Streaked