• ONLY 2 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMED FANS AVAILABLE. READY AROUND AUGUST 20TH. Cute rose pink petals with lighter pink watermark and light pink picotee and narrow gold edge. Semi-evergreen. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Pink
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 25
    Hybridizer Derrow
    Introduction Year 2016
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • ONLY 2 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMED FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. To be honest, we did not expect this cultivar to bloom and rebloom that well here in colder climates! Nice substance, flawless on a daily basis. According to Pierce: "Another very long cross. Many had mean sculpting but not the strong color, and the rest of the package. ALL SPICED UP sports a very wide triple edging of two tones of orange and gold. Then a super ruffled edge. Even deeper is the TRFK triple green center. Always perfect and the green with the orange ensures ALL SPICED UP really pops." Evergreen. Main pix from hybridizer. Others from us.

    Additional information

    Orange, Gold
    Blooming Season Extra early, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2024
    Flower Size (inches) 6.75
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Eye zone
  • ONLY 2 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. ANOTHER STUNNER! Red self with yellow gold throat. In very high demand, and you’ll see why in the gardens. Dormant habit. Stout Medal Winner in 2008. Extra Large Diameter Award in 2006. Our pix.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Sellers
    Introduction Year 1995
    Flower Size (inches) 9
    Form Unusual Form and Spider
  • ONLY 3 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Cascading spider yellow with maroon red eye zone. Really bold contrast, a great standout. Evergreen with some fragrance. Opens and hold well, even in high winds.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow
    Blooming Season Early, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 43
    Hybridizer Stamile
    Introduction Year 2004
    Flower Size (inches) 9.5
    Form Eye zone, Unusual Form and Spider


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