• WOW!!! Purple with cream watermark blending into a yellow green throat, cream and gold double edge. Semi-evergreen foliage. Might have one SF for sale soon. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Lewis
    Introduction Year 2018
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • Rosy pink with a light pink watermark, green throat and yellow cream teeth. Dormant habit. Main pix from hybridizer. Other pix ours.

    Additional information

    Colour Pink
    Blooming Season Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 25
    Hybridizer Polston
    Introduction Year 2018
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Teeth
  • Dark red cherry with large watermelon watermark, glowing green throat and a ruffled white edge. Dormant. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Red, Pink
    Blooming Season Extra early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 30
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2018
    Flower Size (inches) 7
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • Pierce said: I love the face and bright purple coloration of COSMIC ADVENTURE and one of my favorite attributes, is the lighter chalky watermark on the sepals. Unfortunately it is not really showing in this photo of COSMIC ADVENTURE but in the garden you see this round rich purple patterned daylily with the three light chalk marks popping out, grabbing your attention. A very easy pod parent making it easy for me to spread around the Cosmic Kaleidoscope genes! Has a great scape. Easily fertile both ways." Evergreen. Pix from Pierce.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 35
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2013
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • A rosy coral with yellow cream watermark and gold filigree edge above a great heart throat. Semi-evergreen. No pix at this time. Oops!

    Additional information

    Colour Pink
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Olsen
    Introduction Year 2000
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Unusual Form and Spider
  • Orange with a little green throat, yellow halo, and a large yellow edge with yellow teeth. Dormant. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Orange, Green
    Blooming Season
    Midseason, Late
    Height 34
    Hybridizer Matton
    Bloom Year 2018
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Teeth
  • From Gossard: "Flowers of Deep sea shark are lavender pink with a bluish eye zone , white toothy edge and green throat Has a bluish eye zone which can produce cool blue eyed toothy daylilies." Dormant. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Lavender, Pink
    Blooming Season Late, Registered rebloomer
    Height 24
    Hybridizer Gossard
    Introduction Year 2015
    Flower Size (inches) 5
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Teeth
  • Burnt red/orange with yellow center. Semi-evergreen foliage. Nocturnal and long-lasting flowers.

    Additional information

    Colour Orange, Red
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late, Registered rebloomer
    Height 22
    Hybridizer Hansen
    Introduction Year 1994
    Flower Size (inches) 5
    Form Classic
  • A nice crisp yellow with plum eye. Evergreen foliage. Classy presentation.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow, Purple
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Trimmer
    Introduction Year 1998
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Eye zone, Full Form
  • Lovely cream with purple eye and matching edge. Strong semi-evergreen plants. Very fertile.

    Additional information

    Colour Cream, Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Salter
    Introduction Year 1995
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Eye zone, Full Form
  • Deep yellow self. Semi-evergreen foliage.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Powell
    Introduction Year 1968
    Flower Size (inches) 10
    Form Unusual Form and Spider
  • Light cream with peach blush blend and violet plum eye. Semi-evergreen foliage.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple, Cream
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 24
    Hybridizer Douglas
    Introduction Year 1999
    Flower Size (inches) 4.75
    Form Eye zone, Full Form


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