• Dark purple with bright yellow radiating from throat onto the sepals, and large, bright, yellow teeth on the petals and sepals. Dormant habit. Our pix.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 24
    Hybridizer Bush
    Introduction Year 2020
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Teeth
  • New direction in daylily hybridizing. Very light cream with splashes, stripes and dots, different on every single bloom, over a green throat with a ruffled edge. Semi-evergreen foliage.pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Cream
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason
    Height 29
    Hybridizer DeVito
    Introduction Year 2020
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Broken pattern
  • Pierce said: "7-way branching, 40+ buds, Very Fragrant Huge Purple. The name says it all! Deep dark Violet with watermark. THE GRAND WHOPPER sports the TRFK Green throat with a wide matching edge. EASILY… Double the Tet substance – she IS… THE GRAND WHOPPER. Easily fertile both ways." Semi-evergreen. Pix from hybridizer.  

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 30
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 9.5
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • ONLY 2 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE TOWARDS MID-SEPTEMBER. So far, it produces every single day INCREDIBLE flowers that are rose red with lighter pink watermark and white sharks toothy edge and green throat. Flowers have a very heavy substance. Semi-evergreen. First 2 pix from Gossard. Other pix from us.

    Additional information

    Colour Pink
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Gossard
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 7.5
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • SINGLE FAN AT THIS TIME. Pale cream with an intense patterned eye of lavender rose present on both sepals and petals, large rose purple edge that sometimes has hints of cream and teeth. Evergreen. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Cream, Lavender
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 30
    Hybridizer Salter
    Introduction Year 2014
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • ONLY 2 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. WHAT A PRESENCE! We've given this one quite the workout this summer in the hybridizing department! A consistent stunner. Red self above green throat. It sure catches your eyes as you walk by. Dormant habit. Pix from us.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late
    Height 27
    Hybridizer Carpenter
    Introduction Year 2006
    Flower Size (inches) 7.5
    Form Unusual Form
  • Soft peach petals with cream ruffled edge. From Korth: "Traditional rebloom is not an important feature in our northern climate. For flowers that bloom from mid July through mid-August, having a second bloom season beginning in late August results in flowers that get stunted and refuse to open due to the cool nights of September. However, if we can get instant rebloom through multiple scapes per fan, then we can get a longer bloom season but still have the mid-summer warmth to allow the flowers to perform well. Sweet Repeat blooms in mid season but the mature fans will get a second and even a third scape while the first scape is in bloom. Even without the multiple scapes per fan, the flowers are delightful with a huge edge featuring teeth, loops, and ruffles. Mature clumps will be covered with flowers as the picture below shows 19 perfect flowers open. This is a great northern flower but it should perform well all across the northern regions of our country. Fertile both ways, Sweet Repeat will add great plant habit to any hybridizing program." Dormant. Main pix from hybridizer. Other pix ours.  

    Additional information

    Colour Pink
    Blooming Season Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 29
    Hybridizer Korth
    Introduction Year 2019
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • New direction here again with daylily hybridizing! Pale yellow with a variable patterned color breaks off pale purple and rosy brown stripes, spots and streaks. Semi-evergreen foliage. Pix from Richard.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow, Broken Pattern
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 32
    Hybridizer Howard
    Introduction Year 202
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Full Form, Broken Pattern
  • A complex flower with broken patterned red and yellow with green throat, ruffles and teeth on edge of petals, pod and pollen fertile. Evergreen foliage. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow, Cream
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 24
    Hybridizer Waldrop
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Full Form, Broken Pattern
  • A ruffled yellow-gold with a black-wine eye and edge above a green throat. What a show-stopping flower! This is what Culver had to say about it: "This much admired intro is a full sibling to CARDINAL EXPLOSION and EXPLOSIVE FORCE. If you like bold, bright, clear colour then this intro has that. You will most certainly notice this one in the garden, it has presence. The final introduction out of three full sibs and the one with the most contrast in colour. Combining two of our finest parents SUN PANDA exemplifies the genetic potential they have had as parents. This is one of the daylilies that visitors to the farm have been drawn to. It makes a bold statement in the garden with its bold clear colours. It's as if it were saying "look at me". Along with a bold coloured flower SUN PANDA has the same good plant habit that you expect coming from both its parents. Fertile both ways'. Semi-evergreen.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow, Red
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late
    Height 35
    Hybridizer Culver
    Introduction Year 2009
    Flower Size (inches) 5
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • A rich and vibrant red with a white wire edge and a pink halo surrounding a green throat. Semi-evergreen foliage. Pix from unknown Internet source.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Pickles
    Introduction Year 2016
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • ONLY 3 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. According to Jaques: "'Stellar Impact' is one of the most intriguing flowers I have had the privilege to bloom. Its unique pattern changes from day to day. Sometimes just showing the loss of color on the midribs and other time having large white spades. Wonderful plant habit. Pod Fertile. Pollen Sterile." Evergreen. Main pix from hybridizer. Other from us.

    Additional information

    Colour Lavender, White, Black
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 37
    Hybridizer Jaques
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 5.25
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • Rich purple with dark veins, large celery green throat outlined in silver halo, ruffled lemon chartreuse and silver edging, all diamond dusted. Semi-evergreen. Pix from Pierce.  

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 34
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2021
    Flower Size (inches) 8
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • ONLY 1 MATURE SINGLE FAN AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. ÈA revolution in hybridizing, period! Light yellow with toothy edge and variable patterned purple stripes, dots and streaks. Yep, priced as the CAD equivalent of what you'd pay in USD, without having to pay for phyto. For serious hybridizers. Semi-evergreen foliage. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow, Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Howard
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 6.5
    Form Full Form, Broken pattern, Teeth
  • Grape purple with a very green throat, covered with white sharks teeth. Evergreen. Fertile both ways. Pix from hybridizer.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple, White
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 27
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2021
    Flower Size (inches) 6.5
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Teeth
  • According to Gossard: "Flowers are rich black wine with a huge yellow green edge and yellow green throat. Some days, Spacecoast Vader's Saber can be near black. This is one of John's favorites. Opens very well for such a huge edge. Has excellent plant habit, branching and bud count. It makes for a grand garden plant as well as hybridizing parent." Evergreen. Pix from hybridizers.

    Additional information

    Colour Burgundy
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 30
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 6.25
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • From Gossard and Kinnebrew's description: "Flowers are orange red with lighter starburst patterned watermark and edge and yellow green throat. Spacecoast Red Mammoth ups the size of our orange line. It is rare to find oranges that are this large. Excellent plant habit, branching and bud count makes for a grand garden plant as well as hybridizing parent." Evergreen. Pix from hybridizers.

    Additional information

    Colour Orange
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 26
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 6.75
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • From Gossard and Kinnebrew's description: "Flowers are wine red with a lighter feathered pattern watermark, greenish edge, and a large green throat. Very good plant habit, heavy substance and great branching and bud count. A very easy pod parent, which I made a lot of seed pods on this last year. It’s been my personal favorite. Has two doses of tetra Rose F. Kennedy genes. All the parents grow well in the north." Semi-evergreen. Pix from hybridizers.  

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 7
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • ONLY 1 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMED FAN AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Gossard said: "Flowers are strawberry red, lighter strawberry pink watermark, triple edge withgold braids above green throat. Very good plant habit and excellent branching and bud count. A personal favorite of John." Evergreen. Pix from hybridizers.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 6.25
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • According to Gossard and Kinnebrew's description: "Flowers are red with lighter orange red watermark and ruffled petals edged in gold with green throat. Watermark pattern follows around petal edges. An outstanding daylily, selected because of its great plant habit and lack of edges hanging up which is very common with such heavily edged flowers. A great parent and garden plant." Evergreen. Pix from hybridizers.

    Additional information

    Colour Red, Orange
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2023
    Flower Size (inches) 7
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • SINGLE FAN AT THIS TIME. Flowers are creamy white with a patterned blue, violet, and maroon eye zone with matching edge and very intense green throat. Edge is patterned blue, violet and maroon. Semi-evergreen foliage. Still going at $150 USD per fan on their website. Pix from hybridizers.

    Additional information

    Colour White, Blue
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 34
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2021
    Flower Size (inches) 7.25
    Form Full Form, Eye zone, Frilled
  • ONLY 2 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMER FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Flowers are red with a lighter rose red watermark and green throat. Petals are trimmed in white and gold. Semi-evergreen. More info soon. Main pix from hybridizers. Other one from us.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 32
    Hybridizer Kinnebrew-Gossard
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • ONLY 1 SINGLE FAN AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. From Pierce: "Another large pattern with a near blue eye from Tetra Colorful Etchings. This intriguing new daylily is not only a very different combination of colors, but has an amazing flower scape too. The towering bluish patterns have wide overlapping petals with no canoeing. Petal edges are circled in jagged white outside raspberry and blue. Gorgeous! Blooms on SMILE-N-DALES show velvety fuchsia pink petals in full sun. Fertile both ways." Fuchsia pink base with deep purple eye, outlined in raspberry, and edged in raspberry and purple, green throat. Evergreen. Pix from unknown Internet source.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple, Pink
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 55
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2015
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • ONLY 3 SINGLE FANS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Wanna breed for the ultimate chevrons? No description needed. But registered as grape purple flowers with large eye of raspberry, dark purple, purple and white chevrons above a large green throat, dark purple edge. Evergreen. Easily pod fertile. Pix from Pierce.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 32
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2021
    Flower Size (inches) 7.5
    Form Unusual Form and Spider
  • Amber peach with a bold broken pattern eye of plum and double edge. Green throat. Hard dormant. From Miller: "5-way branching carry 32 buds. Best pattern I have seen and grown to date. 100% broken pattern no matter if it is Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot or super hot outside. Great show scapes and wonderful plant habit. Makes monster fans. Hard dormant. Great breeder for broken eye zones. Passes the scapes on to its kids. Easy fertile both ways. Sold only in orders of $1000 or more. Very Limited." Main pix from hybridizer. Other pix ours.  

    Additional information

    Colour Peach, Blue
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 38
    Hybridizer Miller
    Introduction Year 2020
    Flower Size (inches) 5.75
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • SINGLE FAN AT THIS TIME. A nice lavender purple flower with a blue patterned eye and a thin pencil red eye zone over a large green throat. Semi-evergreen. Pix from hybridizer.  

    Additional information

    Colour Lavender
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason
    Height 40
    Hybridizer Miller
    Introduction Year 2014
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • OH WHAT A FLOWER! Bold yellow with deep relief and monster edge. Green throat. Semi-evergreen. From Miller: "8-way branching carry 48 buds. Great garden plant habit. Best breeder we have ever done. Don't pass on this awesome plant as you will be missing out on making tons of introductions. Passes on the scapes and the relief to most all of its kids. Easy fertile both ways. A must have." Pix from hybridizer.  

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow
    Blooming Season Early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Miller
    Introduction Year 2022
    Flower Size (inches) 7
    Form Full Form, Frilled
  • ONLY 1 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMED FAN AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Light orchid bitone with lighter sepals, watermark, green center, chartreuse edge with hooks and knobs. Semi-evergreen. Main pix from Pierce. Other pix ours.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple, Orchid
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2019
    Flower Size (inches) 7.75
    Form Unusual Form and Spider, Teeth
  • We love that one so much! Hot saturated purple rose with white and gold edging, watermark above large green throat, heavy substance. Semi-evergreen. Pix from Pierce.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple, Rose
    Blooming Season Early, Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 32
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2015
    Flower Size (inches) 8.25
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Eye zone
  • Rosy red with a gold toothy edge and yellow green throat. Dormant habit. Pix from unknown Internet source.

    Additional information

    Colour Red
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late, Registered rebloomer
    Height 36
    Hybridizer Poltson
    Introduction Year 2014
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Full Form, Frilled, Teeth
  • Purple with gold teeth. Dormant habit. Pix from unknown Internet source.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason, Registered rebloomer
    Height 30
    Hybridizer Benz
    Introduction Year 2017
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Full Form, Teeth
  • SINGLE FAN AT THIS TIME. A stunning purple with green ribbed throat with a watermark and a wide ruffled chartreuse edge. Semi-evergreen. Pix from unknown Internet source.

    Additional information

    Colour Purple
    Blooming Season Extra early, Registered rebloomer
    Height 33
    Hybridizer Pierce
    Introduction Year 2019
    Flower Size (inches) 8
    Form Full Form, Eye zone
  • ONLY 1 SINGLE PREVIOUSLY-BLOOMED FAN AVAILABLE. Flowers are rosy red with white toothy edge and green throat. Dormant habit. Pix from Gossard.

    Additional information

    Colour Red, Pink
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late, Registered rebloomer
    Height 35
    Hybridizer Gossard
    Introduction Year 2021
    Flower Size (inches) 6
    Form Unusual Form and Spider, Teeth
  • SORRY, BACK TO DISPLAY MODE. VISITORS JUST LOVED IT TOO MUCH!!! Super tall yellow polychrome self with soft green throat. Dormant habit.

    Additional information

    Colour Yellow
    Blooming Season Midseason
    Height 72
    Hybridizer Goldner
    Introduction Year 2000
    Flower Size (inches) 7
    Form Unusual Form
  • This one of ours practically glows in the dark! Dainty orange-mango flowers, with light red eye zone. Blooms profusely until mid-end of September. Semi-evergreen foliage. 19-22 buds. Semi-evergreen. Fertile both ways. We wanted to bank on the late-season 'Evening Gown'.

    Additional information

    Colour Orange, Mango
    Blooming Season Midseason, Late, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 28
    Hybridizer Bertrand-Johnson
    Introduction Year 2024
    Flower Size (inches) 4.5
    Form Full Form
  • SINGLE FANS AT THIS TIME. Cream-based petals and sepals with a huge purple grape eye zone and matching filigree with a chartreuse/yellow eye zone with extending pale cream mid-ribs. Blooms mid-season for us with automatic reblooms. Between 24-30 buds per scape, 4-way branching. Diurnal, some slight fragrance. Semi-evergreen foliage.

    Additional information

    Colour Cream, Purple
    Blooming Season Midseason, Confirmed rebloomer
    Height 32
    Hybridizer Bertrand-Johnson
    Introduction Year 2024
    Flower Size (inches) 5.5
    Form Full Form. Eye zone, Frilled


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